Modeling radiocarbon in Earth system reservoirs: practical exercise

The objective of this practical exercise is to get you familiar with computational tools in the R programming language to model radiocarbon dynamics in reservoir models. We will use the SoilR package for this purpose. Although this package and some of the examples are applied to soil organic matter models, the tools can actually be applied to any model that represents the movement of matter (e.g. carbon) across reservoirs. These type of models are generally known as compartment or reservoir models.

To complete this assignment, you only need to be familiar with the very basics of using R. No previous knowledge on the SoilR package is required. I also assume you already have R installed in your computer.

Install the latest version of SoilR

Open R and type the following commands:


This will install the latest version of SoilR in your computer, which we will need to complete part of the exercise.

In case you get an error message telling you there are missing packages, install those packages first, and then try install SoilR again.

Run SoilR radiocarbon tutorials

I prepared three separate tutorials for this class that will get you familiar on how to run radiocarbon models. These tutorials reproduce some of the examples I presented during the lecture. Follow the tutorials in this order:


Now that you are already familiar with SoilR, and the concepts of pool models, ages, and transit times, work on the following problems.