Postprint archive for sciencific publications
Archive for code, data, videos, comments and other media related to scientific publications. Preprints of accepted articles are also available for download.
What is Postprints?
Postprints is a framework to disseminate peer-reviewed published articles. It is a structured database of metadata from repositories that contain files for individual scientific publications. The site does not store any data; instead, users store their publication data in a Git-based repository using a structured format. Postprints takes this information and organizes it for its disemination.
Compile publication related data
Compile all your publication related data, not just the source text of your manuscript. You can point to datasets, videos, code, and other material stored in other repositories.
Search and reproduce
Postprints facilitates the search and access of publication related data. It also helps to post and find material for reproducing analyses in publications.
Git-based sync of article files
Manage your publication data in a Git version control system. Postprints will create a public user-friendly version of the data.